Backscan and Digitisation

Document Archive Conversions to Digital

Backscan and Digitisation Solutions by Verus IT:

Large volumes of paper can be a good source of information, but now in the digital age they can also be a source of problems. Warehouse storage can be costly, and maybe that spare room full of files could be put to better use. Of far greater importance is the lack of rapid and simple retrieval, linking, and portability of the content.

Verus IT have significant technical and consultive experience in this niche area, and we feel it is this experience that will make all the difference to your project. We can work with you to remove these problems and provide all the benefits that come with best practise digitisation into your EDRMS..

Let Verus IT show you how to reduce your paper document burden quickly and inexpensively, with our innovative solutions based on the Kofax TotalAgility document capture product.

document backscan and digitisation
digital data

How Verus IT can optimise your Document Archiving Project:

  • All the benefits of our Mailroom Automation Solutions apply. With well thought out soltions, clients find that their new archiving solution can process current incoming documents in the exact same way as older documents. Often documents that are one day old, hundred days old, or one hundred years old can be handled in the exact same way. This means the same solution can be used to process current work in parallel with your archive job, reducing the urgency to archive everything at once.

  • Our experience in this area can ensure that a large volume project is done right the first time. You certainly don’t want to hit the million page milestone only to realise a key piece of meta data was not collected so that you can not adequately categorise your content for compliance and security reasons.

  • While simple on the surface these projects do depend on experienced input to direct the project. Many competing factors are at play such as:

    • Documents types and the similarities or differences thereof;

    • The age of documents and the retention policies that apply;

    • Image quality, data quality, filing consistancy, location and so on.

    • Staff knowledge and costs balanced against the use of automation software, saving post project, etc.

  • We answer the important questions:

    • Batch or individual document processing.

    • Workflows and work distribution.

    • System performance to ensure throughput can be achieved cost effectively.

    • Document retention policies and compliance.

  • We can recommend and supply the hardware to support your project or work with you to futher utilise the capacity of your existing hardware investments. Likewise, we discuss the best way to logistically refine the outcome for clients that operate geographically distinct sites; and want to keep working that way to reduce transport costs, or centralise to reduce management overheads.