Records and Mailroom

Records and Mailroom Solutions by Verus IT:

  • The capture of paper documents with detection and extraction of barcodes, patch codes, machine and some hand written content. The automatic classification and  separation of documents is also possible for many scenarios and is used where practical.

  • Conversion of electronic content from various sources such as email, network folder, web services, scanners and mobile devices into a consistent file format for data extraction and filing into your business process or system of record.

  • Establish a common policy for the centralised management of documents, forms, plans etc., with retention schedules, archival and retrieval.

  • We answer the important questions: batch or individual document processing, work distributions and flows, system performance to ensure throughput can be achieved, document retention policies and compliance.

  • We can recommend and supply the latest scanners and mail operating equipment, together with enabling staff with a tightly integrated software solution that works in tandem with this equipment. It is often difficult to simply ‘plug-and-play’, and we tailor these solutions to your needs and get the most from your hardware investment.

records and mailroom

Why Verus IT for your Mailroom Solution?


  • A combined 15 years of document capture experience, including assisting with the setup and maintenance of a document bureau that captured over one million paper and electronic documents per week.

  • We understand the do’s and dont’s of document capture, what can and can’t be done with OCR engines, what should and should not be automated, and how to structure solutions to confidently solve clients’ problems.

  • Experience integrating document capture solutions with multiple EDRMS platforms including: TechnologyOne ECM (DataWorks), Oracle ECM & I/PM, Microsoft SharePoint, TRIM, Oracle PeopleSoft.

  • We always work closely with your staff and EDRMS administrators to design and deliver a properly integrated solution, so you get the most from your investment. We aim to work with your existing systems where possible.

  • Our integration approach utilises a Service Oriented Architecture based on the latest high performance development tools from Microsoft. This integration framework allows Verus IT to seamlessly integrate our partner technologies with your document management systems regardless of your preferred interfacing method. (SQL, XML/JSON, SOAP/Rest web services, etc.)